Live Sympli Featured on FurnitureToday
Anne Flynn WearFebruary 7, 2020
Subscription service offers brand new furniture
Live Sympli concept adds in charitable component
New service Live Sympli asks for all pieces to be donated to charity when the furniture subscription period is over.
DENVER – Live Sympli, a new furniture subscription service based in Denver, offers brand-new furniture for 12-month subscription periods, after which subscribers are asked to donate the furniture to charity.
“We have created a simple way to experience brand new furniture while protecting our environment and improving the lives of others through charitable donations,” said Charles Green, Live Sympli founder.
Green, who started his first furniture rental company in 1989, said he wanted to be innovative and green with this new concept for subscription furniture. “In my experience, most of the furniture you find at charities is in poor shape,” Green added. “Getting relatively new furniture would be great for the people they serve and great for the person making the donation; it’s a win-win.”
Subscribers can choose from fully furnished home collections, curated rooms or select items individually. Live Sympli then delivers the furniture and sets it up as requested.
Green said Live Sympli provides a solution by renting only brand-new furniture that can be repurposed and kept out of landfills. “We believe we are the first furniture leasing company to exclusively deliver only brand-new furniture on every rental while allowing our subscribers to personally select any 501c3 organization to donate the furniture to at the end of the lease.”
The normal furniture subscription company rents the furniture then picks it up and refurbishes it, according to Green, then rents it to the next person who needs it.
Right now, Green said they are getting the furniture from traditional sources but the company hoping to only source from sustainable furniture companies in the future.
The target demographic for Live Sympli, the company said, are people who are renting apartments or moving into condos, but they are also working with offices and real estate staging companies who value having new furniture for a limited amount of time and being able to give back when the lease period is over.
Live Sympli is looking into expansion into Kansas City and Phoenix by the end of the year.